A sneak peek behind the scenes of the creative process and some moments of showtime

A sneak peek behind the scenes of the creative process and some moments of showtime

Creating art is a process. The mind is always active capturing images, compostions, colour patterns around me at all times. Sometimes it is just a feeling or a mood that is set with the surroundings. The mind retains these and these memories or sparks of inspirations form the basis of my works. Back in my home studio, I work with my pictures or sketch, and paint to draft my ideas. These lead to the final artworks. At times my work is completely spontaneous without much planning and I love how the colours and textures guide me to the creation.


Turquoise Leaves

The turquoise art work was a lot of fun to create. The process of working in layers is fun and dynamic. Sometimes planned yet sometimes very spontaneous, it leads to unexpected yet wonderful discoveries! Playing around with the texture and several layers of paint adding or removing colours, this vibrant artwork evolved.


Painting in Plein Air

Sometimes, I like to paint outdoors "en Plein Air". Immersing oneself in the outdoors has a unique effect on art as we learn to observe so much from what's around us.

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In the Studio

The creation of black and white artworks gave me a sense of calm and peace. I suppose this year has been quite a year for us all, and a little tranquility goes a long way!


The moment of truth....Exhibition Time!

It's a long process of labour and love from the studio to the walls of an art exhibition, a moment when you savour the fruit of hard work and enjoy the reactions the public give your work.